Monday, March 10, 2008

News for the week of March 10

World News


Bomber Kills 5 U.S. Soldiers in Iraq’s Capital

BAGHDAD — A man walked up to a group of American soldiers on foot patrol in an upscale shopping district in central Baghdad on Monday and detonated the explosives-filled vest he was wearing, killing five soldiers and wounding three others and an Iraqi interpreter who accompanied them.


China Sticking With One-Child Policy

BEIJING — China’s top population official said the country’s one-child-per-couple family planning policy would not change for at least another decade. The announcement refutes speculation that officials were contemplating adjustments to compensate for mounting demographic pressures.


Woman Replaces Colleague for South Korea’s First Space Mission

SEOUL, South Korea — South Korea announced Monday that a woman who is a bioengineering student would become its first astronaut. She is scheduled to blast off on board a Russian Soyuz rocket on April 8 on a trip to the International Space Station that will be watched on television by millions of South Koreans.


Toddler Returns to Iraq After Life-Saving Surgery

HADITHA, Iraq — She is an amazingly lucky girl in a country where bad luck is everywhere. But 2-year-old Amenah al-Bayati is not aware of her good fortune.


US News


McCain Uses Breathing Room to Focus on Coffers

Sewing up the Republican presidential nomination while the Democratic candidates continue to battle each other has given Senator John McCain a valuable commodity: time he can use to unite a fractured Republican Party, ramp up his lackluster fund-raising and transform his shoestring primary operation into a general election machine.


Democrats Confident After Taking Hastert’s Seat

WASHINGTON — Congressional Democrats on Sunday were celebrating an election victory that they said increased their confidence of holding the House in November and affirmed that party positions on the Iraq war and health care were resonating with voters.


Math Suggests College Frenzy Will Soon Ease

High school seniors nationwide are anxiously awaiting the verdicts from the colleges of their choice later this month. But though it may not be of much solace to them, in just a few years the admissions frenzy is likely to ease. It’s simply a matter of demographics.


M.I.T. Cuts Tuition Based on Income

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) — The Massachusetts Institute of Technology says undergraduates whose families earn less than $75,000 a year will not have to pay tuition.


Local News



March 10, 2008 -- A stout female dwarf dubbed "Shorty" has been busted in Brooklyn for pimping out an underage runaway to upscale clients she found over the Internet, police sources said yesterday.



March 10, 2008 -- Cops have lifted fingerprints from the bicycle they believe was used by the Times Square bomber and hope to use them to nab the man who blew up the military recruiting center, a police source said yesterday.



March 10, 2008 -- Finally, an answer to the question: How dumb is your best friend?






March 10, 2008 -- A stout female dwarf dubbed "Shorty" has been busted in Brooklyn for pimping out an underage runaway to upscale clients she found over the Internet, police sources said yesterday.


It’s very hard to find a news story that’s written in a style other then inverted pyramid. This week my focus is on how ridiculous The New York Post is. I found this story somewhat comical. The IQ Doggy style is pretty funny too. They are defiantly covering the hard-hitting news aright. Its something different and still keeps me interested. I felt more inclined to read these stories because of how ridiculously titles they are. The ledes of these stories I think were well written.

Monday, March 3, 2008

News for the Week of March 3

News for the week of March 3




U.S. Forces Fire Missiles Into Somalia at a Kenyan

NAIROBI, Kenya — American naval forces fired missiles into southern Somalia on Monday, aiming at what the Defense Department called terrorist targets.


Kenya Rival Is Cautiously Optimistic NAIROBI,

KenyaRaila Odinga is a happy man.

On Sunday, he went to the beach and was pictured on the front page of Kenya’s leading newspaper, The Daily Nation, lounging by the waves, wearing shorts and argyle socks


Iran May Block Internet on Election Day

TEHRAN — Iran’s government might block private access to the Internet on its election day, March 14, two Iranian news outlets reported Monday.


Dinosaur Graveyard as Tourist Draw

LAKE BARREALES, Argentina — As Jorge Calvo strode along the dusty banks of this Patagonian lake, he scanned the reddish dirt, pointing to the remains of a dinosaur in the desert sun.




About Those Health Care Plans by the Democrats ...

WASHINGTON — While Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama fight over who has the better health plan for the uninsured, they say little about a more immediate challenge that will confront the next administration, whether Democratic or Republican: how to tame the soaring costs of Medicare and Medicaid.



House Fires With a Message in the Northwest

For people who are anti-sprawl activists — or have baser motives — a new-built house sitting empty in a previously rural area evidently makes a ripe target for an attack by fire.


Two Dead in Wendy’s Shooting

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) -- A gunman in a jacket and tie wordlessly opened fire inside a Wendy's during the lunchtime rush Monday, killing a paramedic who had gone back to fetch the right toy to go with his child's meal and wounding five others. The 60-year-old shooter then committed suicide.


Obama on the Hot Seat

SAN ANTONIO — Ah, the joys of being a possible, could be front-runner.

Senator Barack Obama might have worn a bee-keeper’s hat as he held a press conference in San Antonio and faced a hornet swarm of questions. As Mr. Obama’s press conferences are relatively rare and often brief affairs, this one drew an awful lot of attention.


Local Long Island Stories



March 3, 2008 -- A frightened Brooklyn high-school dean can rest easy now that a trouble-making teen has agreed to transfer to another school, officials said.



March 3, 2008 -- An upstate charity claimed that it was too broke to pay its "executive director" his promised $150,000-a-year salary - yet dumped thousands of dollars overseas so that the son-in-law of one of its honchos could attend medical school there, court papers say.



March 3, 2008 -- A small plane attempting to land at a Morris County, NJ, airport crashed after the pilot lost control and ended up on a nearby road, authorities said.






Analysis of article:

Dinosaur Graveyard as Tourist Draw


I found this article to be the most interesting to me. That article draws you in with starting with telling you about a new dinosaur found, but really the article is about the man who runs the operation that digs them up, The most important information is at the top and my more brad things at the bottom. It was a traditionally written article. There is good use of quotes and a lot of background information. After reading the story I feel that there was a good strong newsworthy story behind this guy and can understand why a story was done on him.