Tuesday, February 26, 2008

News for the week of Feb 25

News for the week of Feb 25


National News


Students Return to an Altered Campus After Shootings

DeKALB, Ill. — Under a hard, gray sleet, students at Northern Illinois University trudged back to class on Monday for the first time since a gunman burst into a lecture hall on Feb. 14 and killed five students and himself.



California: Study of Immigrants and Crime

Immigrants in the state, about 35 percent of adults, are far less likely than native-born Americans to commit crimes, according to a study by the Public Policy Institute of California, a nonpartisan research group. Among men ages 18 to 40, the group most likely to commit crimes, native-born Americans were 10 times more likely than immigrants to be incarcerated for crimes in California prisons and jails. The study included both legal and illegal immigrants, without focusing separately on illegal immigrants. But it found that native-born American men ages 18 to 40 were at least eight times more likely to be imprisoned for crimes than Mexican immigrants in that age range who were not naturalized citizens — a group likely to have a high percentage of illegal immigrants.



Clinton Campaign Starts 5-Point Attack on Obama

After struggling for months to dent Senator Barack Obama’s candidacy, the campaign of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton is now unleashing what one Clinton aide called a “kitchen sink” fusillade against Mr. Obama, pursuing five lines of attack since Saturday in hopes of stopping his political momentum.



Fighting for Votes in a Blue-Collar Stronghold in Ohio

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio — For as long as anyone here can remember, presidential hopefuls have made this scrappy, blue-collar stronghold an obligatory pit stop on the Democratic stump. Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy breezed through when the steel plants still turned the night sky orange; decades later, after the smelters had gone cold, Bill Clinton and John Kerry came by promising jobs to those left idle by the mill closings.




Iraq Demands That Turkey Withdraw

BAGHDAD — The Iraqi government on Tuesday condemned Turkey’s incursion into northern Iraq and demanded that it withdraw its troops, as fighting continued for a sixth day between Turkish forces and Kurdish rebels



Roadside Bomb Kills 6 in Afghanistan

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — A roadside bomb hit a vehicle carrying five policemen and a 3-year-old in eastern Afghanistan on Tuesday, killing all six, officials said.



Russian Candidate Denounces Kosovo

MOSCOW — Dmitri A. Medvedev, Russia’s first deputy prime minister and the presumptive successor to President Vladimir V. Putin, on Monday committed the Kremlin to long-term support for Serbia against an independent Kosovo.



Long Island Stories

Chambers of commerce chief: Stop Trump hearin

The president of the Nassau Council of Chambers of Commerce yesterday urged the state to postpone Tuesday's hearing on Trump on the Ocean because changes in the Jones Beach catering hall and restaurant have never been presented to the public for commen



Karate instructor in sex abuse case free on bail

A karate instructor who was once "revered" in the Long Island martial arts community stood quietly Monday as prosecutors detailed a 43-count indictment charging him with sex crimes against his young students.



New Cassel mom pleads not guilty in kids' deaths

A New Cassel mother pleaded not guilty Tuesday to charges that she killed her three children




Analyssis of:

New Cassel mom pleads not guilty in kids' deaths


The article is pretty basic. It doesn’t so much use the inverted pyramid. Because it is covering a hearing it starts off with things that are confirmed and the less confirmed things, but are “believed to have happen” are at the happen. It doesn’t really have an end it just states random facts about he hearing.

Monday, February 18, 2008

News For the Week Of Feb 18th

National News


Midlife Suicide Rises, Puzzling Researchers

Shannon Neal can instantly tell you the best night of her life: Tuesday, Dec. 23, 2003, the Hinsdale Academy debutante ball. Her father, Steven Neal, a 54-year-old political columnist for The Chicago Sun-Times, was in his tux, white gloves and tie. “My dad walked me down and took a little bow,” she said, and then the two of them goofed it up on the dance floor as they laughed and laughed.



With Oil Prices Rising, Wood Makes a Comeback

NEWPORT, Vt. — As a child, Brian Cook remembers hurling wood into the big orange boiler his father bought during the oil crisis of the late 1970s, helping feed the fire that provided heat and hot water to his family.



Democrats Make Populist Appeals Before Contests

WAUSAU, Wis. — Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama intensified their populist appeals on Monday, responding to widespread economic anxiety and pushing the Democratic Party further from the business-friendly posture once championed by Bill Clinton.



A Plan to Offer 50 Sites on Politics in 50 States

In the middle of a media-saturated political season, Jared Kushner, publisher of The New York Observer, has been quietly nurturing an ambitious political journalism venture.



International News


When God and the Law Don’t Square

A PRETTY good way to generate an outcry, as the archbishop of Canterbury learned in Britain recently, is to say that a Western legal system should make room for Shariah, or Islamic law. When the archbishop, spiritual leader of the world’s 80 million Anglicans, commented in a radio interview that such an accommodation was “unavoidable,” critics conjured images of stonings and maimings, overwhelming his more modest point.



Where You Going With That Monet?

THE plots of art heist movies are about as multifarious as the canvases of the paintings pilfered by their main characters — the postmodern heroin-cool of Nick Nolte in “The Good Thief”; the playboy-billionaire boredom of Pierce Brosnan in “The Thomas Crown Affair.” But one thing art theft movies tend to have in common is that they dwell on the heist and not on the aftermath, for reasons that are probably more than cinematic: art is an exceedingly dumb thing to steal.



Long Island Stories


1 dead, 3 injured at Westbury teen club shooting

One man was shot dead and two others were in critical condition after gunmen ambushed them with a barrage of bullets through their car windows after a teen night dance at a Westbury restaurant late Sunday night, the Nassau police said.



MetroCard bonus decrease leaves riders feeling odd

Commuters will have to consult their calculators when it comes to dealing with a more complicated MetroCard bonus, under the fare hike taking effect next month.





Revealed: Secrets of the Camouflage Masters

WOODS HOLE, Mass. — The cuttlefish in Roger Hanlon’s laboratory were in fine form. Their skin was taking on new colors and patterns faster than the digital signs in Times Square.



Scientists Would Turn Greenhouse Gas Into Gasoline

If two scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory are correct, people will still be driving gasoline-powered cars 50 years from now, churning out heat-trapping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere — and yet that carbon dioxide will not contribute to global warming.



Analysis of the:

“1 dead, 3 injured at Westbury teen club shooting” story


The story uses the inverted pyramid. It gives the basic details like how many were shot and dead.  It states where and it sites the source by saying, “Police said.” The story unfolds more and by gets specific like how many were inside, how it happened. The gunman shot through a car and its believed that it was an intentionally and well orchestrated shot. The story also has good coverage and has a few good quotes from people.




Tuesday, February 12, 2008

News For The Week Of February 12th

News For The Week Of February 12th

National News

Stamp Price to Increase by One Cent

WASHINGTON (AP)-- Mailing a letter will soon cost a penny more.

The cost of a first-class stamp will rise to 42 cents starting May 12, the U.S. Postal Service said Monday.



For Clinton, Bid Hinges on Texas and Ohio

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and her advisers increasingly believe that, after a series of losses, she has been boxed into a must-win position in the Ohio and Texas primaries on March 4, and she has begun reassuring anxious donors and superdelegates that the nomination is not slipping away from her, aides said on Monday.



International News


3 Arrested in Plot to Kill Cartoonist

BRUSSELS — Two Tunisians and a Dane were arrested in Denmark on Tuesday to prevent what the Danish police said would have been “a terror-related assassination” of one of 12 cartoonists behind caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad published in 2005 that provoked fury across the Muslim world.



Israel to Build More in East Jerusalem

JERUSALEM (AP) -- Israel announced plans Tuesday to build more than 1,000 homes in disputed east Jerusalem, infuriating the Palestinians and triggering a new crisis in already troubled peace talks.



Long Island Stories


Snow storm hits Long Island and the city

A small snow storm hit Long Island and New York City today, leading to dangerous road conditions. The storm is expected to last until midnight, at which point it will turn into sleet and then rain, the National Weather Service said.



87 SUNY Old Westbury students evicted over grades

SUNY Old Westbury removed 87 residential students from their dormitories for having grade point averages below 2.0, enforcing a policy that appears to be the only one of its kind on Long Island.



Other News


European Lab Attached to Space Station

WASHINGTON — Astronauts placed the crown jewel of Europe’s contribution to the International Space Station into its permanent setting on Monday with the attachment of the Columbus science module.



Mineola superintendent sued for sexual harassment

A former Mineola schools employee has accused her district's superintendent and his deputy of sexual harassment and other misconduct -- a case that has split the school board, prompted parents' inquiries and delayed efforts to award the deputy job tenure.



Obama rolls on; McCain wins Virginia, Maryland

Sen. Barack Obama swept the Democratic presidential primaries by large margins in Maryland. Virginia and the District of Columbia over Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, the cable television networks reported.



Neck and Neck, Democrats Woo Superdelegates

WASHINGTON — Seeing a good possibility that the Democratic presidential nomination will not be settled in the primaries and caucuses, Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama are lavishing attention on a group that might hold the balance of power: elected officials and party leaders who could decide the outcome at the convention in August




My thoughts on.. .


87 SUNY Old Westbury students evicted over grades


The lead is good because it really does rally up the story. I was interested to read on after the lead because while I was college shopping after high school I actually applied and got into SUNY Old Westbury as well as visited. I guess for me its easy to put face on what there talking about because I have some knowing of the school. I felt the article was done well. It talks of the policy being instated for a long time but only now has the school doing something about it. It has numbers and research that tells of the 87 students enrolled status. From those who have re-enrolled, are commuting, and are back in the dorms.








Monday, February 4, 2008

News For The Week Of February 4th

National News

Satellite Spotters Glimpse Secrets, and Tell Them

When the government announced last month that a top-secret spy satellite would, in the next few months, come falling out of the sky, American officials said there was little risk to people because satellites fall out of orbit fairly frequently and much of the planet is covered by oceans.



States Prepare for Tests of Voting-System Changes

After California ordered a switch to paper ballots from touch-screen voting machines for Tuesday’s primary, election officials in the sprawling, 7,200-square-mile Riverside County had to decide the best way to pick up the ballots so they could be centrally counted on time: helicopter or truck?



International News

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Common in Australian Aborigines, Report Shows

SYDNEY, Australia — Sexually transmitted diseases have spread so widely in some Aboriginal communities that mass treatment without individual testing, even for children as young as 10, is the only way to fight the problem, according to a medical paper published Monday



Eyes on Google, Microsoft Bids $44 Billion for Yahoo

SAN FRANCISCO — Jerry Yang, the chief executive ofYahoo, was finishing a regularly scheduled company board meeting Thursday night when his assistant interrupted him with an urgent phone call.



Long Island Stories

Long Islanders donate most to Clinton

Long Islanders gave almost as much money to Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential campaign in 2007 as the other major candidates combined, a Newsday analysis of Federal Election Commission data shows.



Weapons cache found in East Meadow home

A 60-year-old East Meadow man called Nassau police and told them he was under attack. He reported hearing gunshot blasts all around, and said there were bodies on the floor.




Other News

Polls find Obama gaining on Clinton in NY and NJ

ALBANY - Though Hillary Rodham Clinton has a strong lead, Barack Obama is gaining ground among Democratic presidential primary voters in New York and New Jersey, new Quinnipiac University polls revealed Monday.



McCain pumped by poll numbers

WASHINGTON - As top Republican presidential contenders John McCain and Mitt Romney head into tomorrow's mega-primary in New York and 20 other states, a question hangs over the GOP contest: Is it all over but for the voting?



The Five Stages of Yahoo’s Grief

Denial: The initial stage: “It can’t be happening.”

Yahoo is well past this. By rejecting Microsoft’s initial foray back in February 2007, Yahoo’s denial of Microsoft’s interest may have only whet Microsoft’s appetite, bought Yahoo only a limited amount of time, and lost them private bargaining leverage.



My Thoughts on.. .

The Five Stages of Yahoo’s Grief

I thought this article was really good. It was not written traditionally with a lede and inverted pyramid but was done really creative. It supplied information revolving around each stage of grief and what it had to do with Yahoo. It made me want to read the whole thing just because it was done so differently. I felt it didn't need that lede, just a quick glance on at the format and a read of the title was inciting enough.