Monday, February 4, 2008

News For The Week Of February 4th

National News

Satellite Spotters Glimpse Secrets, and Tell Them

When the government announced last month that a top-secret spy satellite would, in the next few months, come falling out of the sky, American officials said there was little risk to people because satellites fall out of orbit fairly frequently and much of the planet is covered by oceans.


States Prepare for Tests of Voting-System Changes

After California ordered a switch to paper ballots from touch-screen voting machines for Tuesday’s primary, election officials in the sprawling, 7,200-square-mile Riverside County had to decide the best way to pick up the ballots so they could be centrally counted on time: helicopter or truck?


International News

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Common in Australian Aborigines, Report Shows

SYDNEY, Australia — Sexually transmitted diseases have spread so widely in some Aboriginal communities that mass treatment without individual testing, even for children as young as 10, is the only way to fight the problem, according to a medical paper published Monday


Eyes on Google, Microsoft Bids $44 Billion for Yahoo

SAN FRANCISCO — Jerry Yang, the chief executive ofYahoo, was finishing a regularly scheduled company board meeting Thursday night when his assistant interrupted him with an urgent phone call.


Long Island Stories

Long Islanders donate most to Clinton

Long Islanders gave almost as much money to Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential campaign in 2007 as the other major candidates combined, a Newsday analysis of Federal Election Commission data shows.,0,5231191.story


Weapons cache found in East Meadow home

A 60-year-old East Meadow man called Nassau police and told them he was under attack. He reported hearing gunshot blasts all around, and said there were bodies on the floor.,0,1491053.story



Other News

Polls find Obama gaining on Clinton in NY and NJ

ALBANY - Though Hillary Rodham Clinton has a strong lead, Barack Obama is gaining ground among Democratic presidential primary voters in New York and New Jersey, new Quinnipiac University polls revealed Monday.,0,7391910.story


McCain pumped by poll numbers

WASHINGTON - As top Republican presidential contenders John McCain and Mitt Romney head into tomorrow's mega-primary in New York and 20 other states, a question hangs over the GOP contest: Is it all over but for the voting?,0,600491.story


The Five Stages of Yahoo’s Grief

Denial: The initial stage: “It can’t be happening.”

Yahoo is well past this. By rejecting Microsoft’s initial foray back in February 2007, Yahoo’s denial of Microsoft’s interest may have only whet Microsoft’s appetite, bought Yahoo only a limited amount of time, and lost them private bargaining leverage.


My Thoughts on.. .

The Five Stages of Yahoo’s Grief

I thought this article was really good. It was not written traditionally with a lede and inverted pyramid but was done really creative. It supplied information revolving around each stage of grief and what it had to do with Yahoo. It made me want to read the whole thing just because it was done so differently. I felt it didn't need that lede, just a quick glance on at the format and a read of the title was inciting enough.

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